Scientific manager

Project manager

Work Packages managers





Each manager is in charge of a specific axis :

  • Competence-based approach and teaching method diversity : Lydie ANCELOT
  • Diversification of courses : Florent JABOUILLE
  • Reinforced support : François LECELLIER
  • Cross-curricular competencies : James ROBERT

Project management (CSE, COPIL)

The project is fully carried out by the University of Poitiers and managed by Lydie ANCELOT, scientific manager. She is assisted by a project manager, Agnès GUITET, main attaché (APAENES). She coordinates the actions that have to be implemented, hosts the organising and monitoring committee, and works in close collaboration with all the persons involved in the management.

The management is organised around:
The Comité de Pilotage Partenarial (The partnership management committee): : it gives the main direction to follow, validates the annual accounts, and gathers once a year with the ANR.

The comité organisateur et de suivi (Organising and monitoring committee)works with the Comité scientifique, d’évaluation et de diffusion (Scientific committee for evaluation and implementation).

The The organising and monitoring committee defines the global plans of action, validates the plans of action given by the work packages managers, and arbitrates the choices regarding the budgetary allocations. It guarantees the good development of the project and manages risk control.

The – The Scientific committee for evaluation and implementation is in charge of the link between the project and research, and carries out the process of evaluation. The two committees hand a report on the progress of the project to the partnership management Committee. It is hosted by Nicolas VIBERT, Research Director at the CNRS, and director of the Centre de Recherche sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage (CeRCA).

The four work packages are carried out by a teacher or a teacher-researcher of the university. Each work package defines its plan of action linked with the directions given by the Organising and monitoring committee and carries it out. As a reminder, the four work packages are centred on :

  • the diversification of courses,
  • cross-curricular competencies,
  • reinforced support of students,
  • the competence-based approach and educational diversity.

The Work packages are respectively managed by Florent Jabouille (Chemistry lecturer, Pprime Institute), James Robert (PRCE Technology, Co-director of the “Languages and Career Services” department), François Lecellier (IT lecturer, XLIM laboratory) and Lydie Ancelot (Economics lecturer, CRIEF laboratory)

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